Artemether Injection 1ml 20mg/40mg/80mg

ARTEMETHER INJECTIONNOMENCLATURE:The drug is mainly composed of Artemether. The chemical name is (3R, 5aS, 6R, 8aS, 9R, 10S, 12R, 12aR)-decahydro-10-methoxy-3,6,9-trimethy1-3,12-epoxy-12H-pyrano[4,3-j]-1,2-ben-zodioxepinCHARACTER:A colorless or yellowish clear oily solution.PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY:Animal pharmacodynamics showed that the drug isa strong schizonticide. Parasitemia clearance occurs rapidly with stable efficacy after administration. It is also effective against chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum malaria. Acute toxicity studies on animals showed that the LD50 of Artemether in mice of a single i.g. administration is 895mg/kg and a single i.m. injection is 296mg/kg; in rats, the LD50 of a single i.m. injection is 597mg/kg. This proves the toxicity of Artemether is quite low.PHARMACOKINETICS:The drug is absorbed rapidly and completely after i.m. injection. The maximum blood concentration of the drug is observed in about 7 hours after i.m. injection of 10mg/kg in human body. The peak value is about 0.8ug/ml with the plasma half-life of about 13 hours. It is widely distributed in the body with the highest level found in the brain and followed by the liver and kidney. It is mainly excreted in the feces with a part in urine.INDICATIONS:Antimalarial drug. For the treatment of all kinds of malaria including the chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum malaria and the first aid of critical malaria.USAGE AND DOSAGE:The drug is used for intramuscular injection, five days course with the initial dose of 3.2mg/kg, followed by 1.6mg/kg for the following 4 days.The initial dose for adults is 160mg, followed by 80mg every time from the 2nd to 5nd day. The dose for children or overweight patients should be decreased or increased on the basis of the individual weight or under the doctor's prescription.ADVERSE REACTIONS:Clinical dosage exhibits slight adverse reactions. A transient low fever and reticulocytopenia may occur individual cases. Slight rise of SGOT and SGPT may occur in individual cases. Arrhythmia may occur in rare cases (such as ventricular tachycardia).CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensibility to any one of constituents.PRECAUTIONS: In case of freeze due to coldness, please warm it before use.PREGNANCY AND LACTATIONIt should be used with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy since some fetus absorption has been observedADMINISTRATION FORCHILDREN: For children, the dose should be chosen as follows:AGE(year)WEIGHTTOTAL DOSEDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5