Lithium Battery Copper Clad Aluminum Strip

Lithium Battery Components Copper clad aluminum strip   With the rapid development of lithium-ion battery cars, the PACK connection problem of lithium batteries is becoming more and more serious. Many buses have thousands of battery packs. The anode and cathode materials of single batteries are aluminum foil and copper foil. How to realize the safe, reliable, light, simple series and parallel connection of aluminum battery packs is the bottleneck technology which restricts the development of lithium battery vehicles.The Copper clad aluminum strip for lithium battery components produced by Henan Chalco perfectly solves the problem of connecting positive and negative electrodes of lithium battery pack. Lithium battery used for electric vehicle and negative connecting piece. Material for base column: Copper-aluminium composite base column material is made of 3 mm copper and 10 mm aluminum plate. Copper collector of copper-aluminium anode is connected, while aluminum and aluminium plate are connected. The two exposed electrodes of battery pack are both aluminium material and can be connected by normal laser welding process. The left and right copper strips are connected with the inner copper collector through copper rivets, and the aluminum plates on both sides complete the series and parallel connection between the single batteries.Product features: high composite strength, high conductivity, Copper-aluminum contact resistance between high impact resistance, low cost, stable quality, light volume, corrosion resistance effectively improve the characteristics of energy ratio.   ThicknessWidthTemperBonding strengthCopper ratioTensile strengthElongationCladding type2.0-11mm≤1000mmO≥12N/mm10%-25%90-150MPa5-35%Overlay cladding; Inlay cladding  /* January 22, 2024 19:08:37 */!function(){function s(e,r){var a,o={};try{e&&e.split(",").forEach(function(e,t){e&&(a=e.match(/(.*?):(.*)$/))&&1