Wearproof Non-Slip Direct Waterproof Vinyl Flooring Anti-Scratch Painted Groove Laminate Floor

Laminated flooring is one type of flooring. However, composite flooring is artificially changed to the natural structure of flooring materials to achieve a floor with certain physical properties that meet expected requirements. Composite flooring often refers to laminate wood flooring and solid wood composite flooring in the market.However, the term composite flooring does not exist in professional terminology and national industry standards. Floor, the surface layer of the ground or floor of a house. Made of wood or other materials. Laminated flooring is one type of flooring. However, composite flooring is artificially changed to the natural structure of flooring materials to achieve a floor with certain physical properties that meet expected requirements. The general classification of floors is: According to structure, they include: natural landscape and feng shui flooring, solid wood flooring, laminate flooring, solid wood composite flooring, PVC flooring, bamboo flooring, cork flooring, etc.; according to use, they include: household flooring, commercial flooring Flooring, anti-static flooring, outdoor flooring, flooring for stage dance, flooring for sports halls, flooring for track and field, etc.; classified according to environmental protection levels: E1 level flooring, E0 level flooring, F4 star flooring according to JAS star environmental standards etc.Chinese name Composite flooring Purpose Home floor laying material Properties Building materials Materials: Wood, organic fiber, inorganic fiber, etc.laminate flooringLaminated wood flooring is a popular flooring material in recent years. Official scientific name: Impregnated paper laminated wood flooring. It is made by crushing the logs, adding glue, preservatives, and additives, and pressing them with high temperature and high pressure using a hot press. Therefore, it breaks the physical structure of the logs and overcomes the weakness of the poor stability of the logs. Composite flooring has high strength, uniform specifications, high wear resistance, anti-corrosion, moth-proof and good decorative effect, and overcomes the problems of knots, insect holes and color difference on the surface of logs. Composite wood flooring does not require painting or waxing, has a wide range of uses and is easy to care for. It is the most suitable floor material for the pace of modern family life. In addition, composite flooring has a high wood usage rate and is a good environmentally friendly material.Environmental protection grade classification of laminate flooringThe national regulations on the environmental protection level of laminate flooring are the most stringent. (The new national standard GB/T18102-2007) has two levels: E1 and E0. The JAS star standard F3 star floor and F4 star floor have the most stringent formaldehyde detection method in the world. F4 star Flooring can achieve a formaldehyde emission level close to that of solid wood. Most domestic flooring manufacturers have certain difficulties in production and have not yet joined my country's national standards. Therefore, floors that reach this level must be assessed and tested by the State Administration of Quality Supervision and the National Standards Committee. After meeting the standards, they will be certified and approved before they can be sold on the market.Parquet:Solid wood composite flooring is divided into three types: three-layer solid wood composite flooring, multi-layer solid wood composite flooring, and new solid wood composite flooring. Since it is made of sheets of different tree species laminated together, it overcomes the shortcomings of solid wood flooring being unidirectional. It has a small dry shrinkage and wet expansion rate, good dimensional stability, and retains the natural wood grain and comfortable foot feel of solid wood flooring. Solid wood composite flooring and laminate flooring combine the stability of solid wood flooring with the aesthetics of solid wood flooring, and are environmentally friendly and a new type of solid wood composite flooring with high performance and value. This should be the development trend of the wood flooring industry.Environmental protection grade classification of solid wood composite flooringThe same level as laminate flooring, divided into two levels: E1 and E0. Because the market price is between the price of laminate and solid wood, if the floor is environmentally friendly and E0, the cost will be close to the price of solid wood flooring, so the market is mainly environmentally friendly E1 level.PVC composite floorMulti-layer composite PVC floor means that it has a multi-layer structure, usually 4 to 5 layers of structures are laminated. It generally has a wear-resistant layer (including UV treatment), a printed film layer, a glass fiber layer, and an elastic hair layer. Bubble layer, base layer, etc.Wear resistanceThis is an important indicator of the quality of laminate flooring. Objectively speaking, the higher the wear resis