12 Oz Beer Tumbler Stainless Steel Double Wall Coffee Mug with Handle

12 oz tumbler  Stainless Steel Double Wall Coffee  mug with handleIs there anything better than a refreshing sip of cool water on a hot summer day? Taking a long gulp of crisp water from your bottle can help you to feel happier and healthier at any time of day. In fact, drinking water has even been clinically proven to boost your brain function.It's obvious that this one simple move can be extremely beneficial for your overall health, but you have to find the right way to consume this all-important beverage. Should you opt for a stainless steel water bottle or its plastic counterpart?Reusable water bottles are an easy choice to make for the environment, but many people get hung up when it comes to choosing between stainless steel and plastic. Fortunately, the decision is relatively easy. A stainless steel water bottle has proven benefits compared to plastic versions of the same bottle.If you're ready to see why your THIRSTEA Bottle is the best choice for your hydration needs, let's take a closer look at what a stainless steel water bottle can offer.EnvironmentThe first area where a stainless steel water bottle truly shines is when it comes to environmental protection. Not only do you get to enjoy the taste of refreshing water, you can also help to improve the world around you with this one simple choice.1. Stainless Steel is a More Sustainable ResourceAt first glance, you might not even realize that your metal water bottle is a sustainable resource. After all, the primary ingredient used to manufacture these bottles is actually iron with small amounts of chromium and nickel added for their durable properties. The ingredients used in these tough bottles are long-lasting options that are completely recyclable when their lifespan officially ends. This means that your stainless steel water bottle can easily be transformed into a new version of itself that can last for several more years to come.2. Stainless Steel Requires Less Energy to ManufactureIt may be no secret that a stainless steel water bottle requires a lot of energy to manufacture. However, it requires a lot more energy to continuously create disposable plastic bottled water that is then shipped around the country. Even worse, many people will opt not to recycle those disposable bottles, forcing them to generate more waste and requiring additional energy to manufacture more.3. Stainless Steel is More DurableWho wants to purchase a reusable water bottle that is bound to break or crack shortly after buying it? Everyone wants to make a wise investment with their money, so it makes sense to choose the most durable water bottle option available on the market today. Your stainless steel water bottle is bound to be far more durable than its plastic counterpart.Your THIRSTEA bottle will last longer than a plastic one because it isn't subject to corrosion or leaching chemicals with exposure to the heat and sun. Steel also makes more sense for water bottles compared to glass versions because it isn't as likely to break when taken into the great outdoors. You have a lot more flexibility in how you choose to use a stainless steel water bottle, making you more likely to stay hydrated regardless of where you are going.  LifestyleWhen it comes to drinking water, you want a bottle that is going to benefit your overall lifestyle. You want it to be easy to use and gain some benefit for the money that you pay. Fortunately, a stainless steel water bottle is one small investment that can truly pay off.4. Stainless Steel Saves You MoneyHave you ever wondered just how much money you save when you choose to use a reusable water bottle instead of bottled water? You might be shocked by the answer! According to recent research, you could be paying as much as 2,000 times more for bottled water than a gallon of tap water. With the right reusable water bottle, you can keep more of that money directly in your pocket.Many people still claim that they prefer to use bottled water over their home tap water because of the taste difference. But surprisingly, most people can't actually tell the difference between the taste of tap water and bottled water when given a blind taste test. Recent studies have shown that many people actually prefer the taste of their tap water when they sample the two types side by side in a blind comparison. This is yet another way for you to save a few dollars on your monthly expenditures!5. Stainless Steel Keeps Water ColdFor most people, there's nothing worse than taking a big gulp of hot water in the middle of a summer day. You expect to be cooled down by a sip of delightful and crisp water only to be met with a disgusting mouthful of hot liquid. With a stainless steel water bottle, you could avoid all of that.An insulated version of these bottles can keep your water significantly colder for longer periods of time, particularly when compared to plastic versions that offer little in the way of insulation. Many of these bottles are capable of keeping your re